High Speed In-line Polarimeter - PolaDetect™ Ver más grande

High Speed In-line Polarimeter - PolaDetect™

Referencia GPC-POD-xx

GPCs' in-line polarimeter is specially designed for low cost, high-speed polarization characterization without interrupting data traffic. It outputs four voltage signals for calculating both the degree of polarization (DOP) and the state of polarization (SOP) of the light passing through the device in microseconds.

Alexandre Besson
Business Unit Director
+33 5 57 10 92 84
Solicitud de producto: High Speed In-line Polarimeter - PolaDetect™X

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High Speed In-line Polarimeter - PolaDetect™ (POD)

PolaDetect™ is ideal for integration into polarization monitoring and polarization stabilization modules, or in polarization characterization instruments. It comes with a preamplification board to provide analog signals for SOP/DOP calculation, feedback control, and computer interface.

Features PolaDetect:

  • High speed and low loss
  • Compact size
  • No moving parts

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