Laser Safety (Interlock) Shutters

Referencia EOP-CH-zz

Alexandre Besson
Business Unit Director
+33 5 57 10 92 84
Solicitud de producto: Laser Safety (Interlock) ShuttersX

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Laser Safety (Interlock) Shutters


The tuning fork chopper is a FIXED FREQUENCY electromechanically driven light chopper.
Vanes attached to moving tines of a fork modulate a light beam. The chopper operates at the natural resonant frequency established by the effective mass of the moving assembly and the spring constant of the tines.

Chopping frequency ranges from 10 Hz to 6 KHz, apertures up to 15mm are practical in the lower frequencies (under 100 Hz), 0.5mm at 3 KHz and 0.2mm at 6 KHz. If the beam size is limiting the chopper rate, consider focusing at the chopper to reduce the beam size. The amplitude of the motion of the chopper is inversely proportional to its frequency. You will find examples of the frequency amplitude relationship in the table below. Dark or bright vanes are standard; mirrors, lenses or gratings optional.

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