In-line Polarizer Ver más grande

In-line Polarizer

Referencia GPC-POL-001

The POL in-line polarizer consists of a high-ER micro-polarizer in a stainless steel cylinder.

Alexandre Besson
Business Unit Director
+33 5 57 10 92 84
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In-line Polarizer - POL-001 from General Photonics

The POL in-line polarizer consists of a high-ER micro-polarizer in a stainless steel cylinder. The fiber pigtails can be connectorized with various popular connectors. This device offers low insertion loss, low back reflection, and high extinction ratio. A NoTail™ version of the POL, the NPOL, is also available. It has the advantage of eliminating polarization disturbances caused by fiber pigtails.

Features of the In-line Polarizer

  • Compact size
  • Low insertion loss
  • High extinction ratio
  • Low back reflection

Applications of the In-line Polarizer

  • Polarization analysis, monitoring and control
  • SNR monitoring
  • PMD monitoring
  • Spectrum filtering and control
  • Fiber laser mode-locking
  • Polarization interferometry
  • Eliminating unwanted polarization state

Specifications of the In-line Polarizer


1310 nm or 1550 nm

1064 nm


±50 nm

±30 nm

Insertion Loss

< 0.5 dB (0.3 dB typical)

< 0.6dB (0.4 dB typical)

Return Loss

50 dB

50 dB

Extinction Ratio

(SM Output)

>30 dB (40 dB typical)

>28 dB (30 dB typical)

Extinction Ratio

(PM Output)

>28 dB (30 dB typical) >28 dB (30 dB typical)


Optical Power

< 300 mW

Operating Temperature

0 to 70 ?C

Storage Temperature

-40 to 85 ?C

Fiber Type

SM: SMF-28 or HI-1060

PM: PM Panda


5.5 mm (D) x 35 mm (pigtailed)

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