Optische Erweiterung für CL

Referencia PHT-PHIRE

Alexandre Besson
Business Unit Director
+33 5 57 10 92 84
Solicitud de producto: Optische Erweiterung für CLX

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PHIRE Camera Link Fiber Adapter

The PHIRE system is a compact converter system for the Camera Link interface to optical fiber and back. Models with simplex or duplex fibers are available. To offer the right system for manifold applications in the field you can choose between single and multimode fibers and systems for different data width and pixel clocks as they are present in the Camera Link standards.
These systems are also called fiber adapters, camera link fiber adapters and camera link extender, meaning all the same.

The whole range of adapters is completely transparent for your existing or new system and requiers no change in hardware and software. After choosing the right system for your configuration the Phire systems are selfconfiguring for the interface parameters.

For complex system topologies you can utilise components from the IT networking market to integrate up to 64 cameras while using only one multimode fiber with full bandwidth for each camera.

Technical Specifications
Operating temperatur 0~60°C
Voltage DC 5 ~ 16V
Current 200mA @ 12V
Power consumption 2,4W pro Einheit
Housing size59x42x17mm
Plug TypeHirose MQ172X-4PA

Camera Link Interface
SystemMax Pixel Clock Max Data Width Fiber Bandwidth
PHT-PHR-60-M02560 MHz12 bits1 Gb/s
PHT-PHR-60-S1060 MHz12 bits1 Gb/s
PHT-PHR-68-M02568 MHz24bits2 Gb/s
PHT-PHR-68-S1068 MHz16 bits2 Gb/s
PHT-PHR-85-M02585 MHz16 bits2 Gb/s
PHT-PHR-85-S1085 MHz16 bits 2 Gb/s
PHT-PHR-85-M02085 MHz24 bits2.5 Gb/s
MDR26PHT-PHR-85-S0785 MHz24 bits
2.5 Gb/sMDR26

All Systems use the MDR26 plug for the CL connection to camera and frame grabber.

Optical Interface for Multimode Duplex Fiber
Wave length850nm
Min Optical Tx output Power-9,6 dBm
Min Optical Rx Power-17 dBmPlug Type
LC duplexFiber Type
50/125µm or 62.5/125µm MM Fiber

Optical Interface for Single-mode Duplex Fiber
Min Optical Tx output Power-9 dBm
Min Optical Rx Power-18 dBm
Stecker TypLC duplex
Fiber Type9/125µm SM Fiber

For the selection of the right PHIRE product please check for maximal pixel clock, the bit depth and transmission distance without additional components.
The final product name is composed as follows:.
PHT-PHR-Pixel Clock-Fiber TypeTransmissiondistance

Model Name
ModelData depth Max Pixel ClockTransmission distance
PHR-60-M02512 bits60 MHz250m
PHR-68-M02524 bits68 MHz250m
PHR-85-M02516 bits85 MHz250m
PHR-60-M02024 bits85 MHz200m
PHT-PHR-60-S1012 bits60 MHz10 km
PHT-PHR-68-S1024 bits68 MHz10 km
PHT-PHR-85-S1016 bits85 MHz10 km
PHT-PHR-85-S0724 bits60 MHz7 km

System set includes
1x PHIRE-CM (Transmitter)
1x PHIRE-FG (Receiver)
2x 12V DC Power supply, 80-240V Voltage, 50/60Hz, with snap locking plug

Distance depending on fiber type and system design. Transmission distance above is estimated minimum distance for 50/125 MM fiber and 9/125 SM fiber. Extra optical losses in the system will reduce the transmission distance.

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